
Brad Wood

June 22, 2013

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Today was the final day of our second annual week of free ColdBox/ContentBox training.  We are very pleased with the success of the event and want to thank each of our wonderful speakers as well as all you attendees who showed up and had a great time with us while learning about our platform.  This year we had almost 250 people registered from 15 countries around the world including Germany, Brazil, India, Ukraine, and Pakistan.

This year was sponsored by Ortus Solutions, Adobe, and Computer Know How and included brand new content from skinning ContentBox websites, to Nginx web server, and the brand-new ColdBox Koans.  Every session was recorded and is available along with the slide decks and sample code on our Official Recording Page.  Please watch any sessions you missed or just want to see again and pass the recordings on to anyone who you think will benefit from free training.  If you have any feedback on how to make ColdBox Developer Week better next year, please contact me at and share your thoughts.

Lastly, ColdBox and ContentBox are profession open source, so if you ever need custom development or support beyond what our free training provides, please contact Ortus Solutions and we will be happy to work with you in any way that you need.

Now finally, the moment many of you have been waiting for-- here are our winners from this week

Weekly Prizes

Daily Prizes

  • DataBoss Standard (Dynamic ORM Administrator) Licenses
    • Ken Peterson
    • John Barnes
    • George Neisler
    • Patrick Flynn
    • Misha Mishyn

Session Prizes

  • CacheBox eBook:
    • Rus Russell
    • Matthew Tracey
    • Jae Chung
    • Edward Dolber-Smith
    • Stephen Schletty
    • Christopher Keeler
    • Donald Young
    • John Farrar
    • Micah Knox
    • Nolan Dubeau
    • Diego Benitez
    • Francisco Carmona
    • Andrew Scott
    • Miguel Ulloa
    • Don Bellenger
    • Jade Cady
    • Benjamin Knox
    • Henry Ho
    • Michael Sewell
    • Brian Miner

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