
ColdBox 6 RC Released!

Luis Majano May 15, 2020

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Luis Majano

May 15, 2020

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We are so excited to bring you the first public Release Candidate of the next generation of ColdBox HMVC , version 6.0.0-RC. We have gotten tons of input since our beta release and we feel we have almost reached a final candidate. Please test it out as much as possible and give us feedback! Enjoy!


You can easily install this RC version by using the following CommandBox install string:

install coldbox@6.0.0-rc

You can also continue to use the bleeding edge as we incorporate fixes and the latest updates to the core:

install coldbox@be

Application Templates

All application templates have been updated for ColdBox 6. You can use them via CommandBox by using the 6.0.0-snapshot suffix.

coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-advanced-script@6.0.0-snapshot
coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-elixir@6.0.0-snapshot
coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-elixir-vuejs@6.0.0-snapshot
coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-rest@6.0.0-snapshot
coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-rest-hmvc@6.0.0-snapshot
coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-simple@6.0.0-snapshot
coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-supersimplet@6.0.0-snapshot

Bug Reporting & Collaboration

If you do find any bugs with this beta or just want to collaborate with more ideas for this release, please make sure you head out to our Jira instance at:

You can also contact us at the following Slack locations:

What's New!

Check out our documentation for all the new features and updates:

Compatibility Guide

We now have a compatibility and upgrade guide you can use to update your pre 6 apps:

Release Notes

Here is a listing of our release notes for this RC version only. The full release notes can be found in the docs.


  • COLDBOX-870 - compatiblity setnextEvent removed as it was deprecated in 5
  • COLDBOX-867 - compatiblity Removed interceptors.SES as it was deprecated in 5
  • COLDBOX-866 - compatiblity onInvalidEvent is now removed in favor of invalidEventHandler, this was deprecated in 5.x
  • COLDBOX-872 - compatiblity getModel() is now fully deprecated and removed in favor of getInstance()


  • COLDBOX-877 - New dsl coldbox:asyncManager to get the async manager
  • COLDBOX-876 - New dsl coldbox:coldboxSettings alias to coldbox:fwSettings
  • COLDBOX-874 - BaseTestCase new method getHandlerResults() to easy get the handler results, also injected into test request contexts
  • COLDBOX-860 - Convert proxy to script and optimize it
  • COLDBOX-871 - compatiblity Removed fwsetting argument from getSetting() in favor of a new function: getColdBoxSetting()
  • COLDBOX-848 - Improve the bug reporting template for development based on whoops
  • COLDBOX-869 - Response, SuperType => New functional if construct when( boolean, success, failure )
  • COLDBOX-868 - RequestContext Add urlMatches to match current urls
  • COLDBOX-865 - compatiblity autoMapModels defaults to true now
  • COLDBOX-864 - compatiblity jsonPayloadToRC now defaults to true
  • COLDBOX-863 - Add setting to define reinit key vs. hard-coded fwreinit: reinitKey
  • COLDBOX-859 - ability to do async scheduled tasks with new async cbpromises
  • COLDBOX-841 - compatiblity Change announceInterception() and processState() to a single method name like: announce()
  • COLDBOX-882 - compatiblity Deprecate interceptData in favor of just data
  • LOGBOX-46 - Update ConsoleAppender to use TaskScheduler
  • LOGBOX-47 - AbstractAppender log listener and queueing facilities are now available for all appenders
  • LOGBOX-48 - DB Appender now uses a queueing approach to sending log messages


  • COLDBOX-861 - Self-autowire fails for applications with context root configured in ColdBox Proxy
  • COLDBOX-873 - NullPointerException in ScheduledExecutor (Lucee
  • COLDBOX-878 - ColdBox 6 blows up if models directory doesn't exist
  • COLDBOX-875 - Gracefully handle out of index row number in populateFromQuery #450
  • COLDBOX-862 - when passing custom cfml executors to futures it blows up as the native executor is not set
  • COLDBOX-879 - Reinit-Password-Check does not use the new "reinitKey"-Setting
  • COLDBOX-880 - ViewHelpers not working in CB-6 RC

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