
ColdBox 2.6.3 is almost here...

Luis Majano February 05, 2009

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Luis Majano

February 05, 2009

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We have been working hard on solidifying the enhancements introduced in ColdBox 2.6.2, which by the way, rocked.  We introduced new model integration features that will let you talk to model objects, persist them and yes, autowire them.  2.6.2 introduced a brand new dependency injection framework based on metadata (annotations) and a cool DSL (Domain Specific Language).  Anyways, you can check out all the great stuff introduced in 2.6.2 by visiting our What's New Document.

After much community testing and internal testing, we have fixed some bugs and of course squished in some new enhancements to help out in your applications.  You can read the What's new in ColdBox 2.6.3 here.  Anyways, there are no more tickets left for this release and the code is now on SVN on a code freeze.  So please test out at your disclosure as the release will be next week.

This release is mostly a maintenance fix with a few sparkles such as:

  1. Added more model integration control settings:

    1. ModelsObjectCaching to let you cache or not the model objects when created. Great for development

    2. ModelsDebugMode an easy way to turn on/off global model debugging messages

    3. ModelsSetterInjection an easy way to turn on setter injection for your model objects

    4. ModelsDICompleteUDF an easy way to override the default UDF name to call when injection is finalized.

    5. ModelsStopRecursion a nice list of class names to make the factory stop recursion when its looking for dependencies

  2. New setting for using ColdSpring or LightWire: IOCFrameworkReload.  This little puppy will let you reload the factory when working in development, so you don't have to be constantly reiniting everything just to see changes in your beans.

  3. The transfer loader interceptor can now also register the ColdBox Transfer Dependency Injector Observer for you.  Just add some more properties and voila!!

  4. ColdBox under J2EE app servers could not be better. ColdBox will now autodect j2ee contexts and adapt to them for ses and AppMapping localizations

  5. The logger plugin has been updated thanks to Paul Marcotte by introducing several utility methods like: warning(),error(),info(), etc.  And we also added a new setting called "DefaultLogLevel" that can be set to log only certain type of messages if needed. Thanks Paul and the crew

  6. Read the What's New Now!

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