
Luis Majano

October 23, 2009

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We have done a closed beta of Codex for quite some time now. However, we are now to the point of maturity to release an open 0.5 Beta1.  So head over to our new codexwiki site and start downloading it now.  This release comes thanks to ColdBox and Transfer by Mark Mandel.

P.S: It runs on Railo!!

Enjoy the screenshots below:

The main wiki page

The Wiki Page Directory

The new wiki search engine

Codex now has markup plugins that you can easily install and distribute.  They even document themselves!!

Codex System Options are now a GUI.  You can control the entire system from this console.  You can even restart the entire application.

Finally, our new markup editor!! With visual styles and customizable

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Nov 24, 2008 05:18:59 UTC

by Justice

Thats awesome, and whaaat? I thought that Transfer didn't run on Railo due to some javaloader issues with built in coldfusion classes... did you guys get around that?? If so that is an awesome announcement for Transfer in general as well as the CodexWiki!

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