
CBWIRE v2.0 Released

Grant Copley August 30, 2022

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Grant Copley

August 30, 2022

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At Into The Box 2021, I presented CBWIRE v1.0 and was encouraged by the excitement and feedback from the community. I'm even more excited this year to tell you about CBWIRE 2.0 and all of the goodies we've added that you can start using right away.



For starters, the docs have received much love. There are entirely new sections, and the docs go into much greater detail now to help you get more from CBWIRE. Check those out at

Turbo Integration

CBWIRE now plays nicely with Turbo Drive ( formerly TurboLinks ), allowing you to transform your apps into single-page applications (SPAs) with just a few lines of code. You didn't read that wrong. With just a few lines of code!

File Uploads

CBWIRE makes uploading and storing files extremely easy. Here's an example of a simple component that handles uploading a photo:

component extends="cbwire.models.Component" {

    data = {
        "photo": "",
        "error": ""
    function save() {
        // 'photo' is now an instance of FileUpload@cbwire
        if ( > "100000" ) {
            data.error = "Photo upload too big!";
        } else {
            // Store our file locally
            fileWrite( expandPath( "./somewhere.jpg" ), );
            // Delete our file from CBWIRE's temporary storage and reset 'photo' data property

Dependency Injection

Your components now have WireBox available for injecting dependencies such as service objects, session storage, you name it!


You now have the full power of cbValidation built in for validating your data properties, making form validation a cinch.

JavaScript Lifecycle

We've documented Livewire's JavaScript lifecycle, which provides several events that you can listen for and hook into as needed.


You can now test your components by extending our BaseWireTest class.

component extends="cbwire.models.BaseWireTest" {

    function run(){

        describe( "TaskList.cfc", function(){
	    it( "calling 'clearTasks' removes the tasks", function() {
                wire( "TaskList" )
                    // Sets our data properties
                    .data( "tasks", [ "task1" ] )
                    // Verifies output in our template rendering
                    .see( "
  • task 1
  • " ) // Runs the 'clearTasks' action .call( "clearTasks" ) // Verifies updated template rendering .dontSee( "
  • task 1
  • " ); } ); } ); } }

    Query String

    You can now update the browser's query string when your component state changes and provide URLs for your components that populate the state.

    Dirty State

    There are cases where it may be helpful to provide feedback that content has changed and is not yet in sync with the back-end. For input that uses wire:model, or wire:model.lazy, you can display that a field is 'dirty' until CBWIRE has fully updated.



    CBWIRE-19: Ability to set and manipulate query string URLs

    CBWIRE-24: File Uploads

    CBWIRE-55: Ability to write unit tests for components

    CBWIRE-59: Ability to override the default 'wires' folder location

    CBWIRE-60: noRender() method to prevent template rendering during actions

    CBWIRE-61: Implement dirty property tracking

    CBWIRE-65: Invoke computed properties during template rendering and only execute once per request

    CBWIRE-70: Ability to specify a 'moduleRootURI' setting to change the URI path for cbwire

    CBWIRE-71: Upgrade Livewire JS to v2.10.6

    CBWIRE-81: Option to specify the component's template path using this.template instead of defining renderIt() method.

    CBWIRE-82: Disable browser caching on XHR responses

    CBWIRE-83: Reduce payload bloat by removing unnecessary data in XHR requests and responses

    CBWIRE-84: Move internal methods to a separate Engine object to avoid collisions with user-defined methods

    CBWIRE-85: Reject incoming XHR request if 'X-Livewire' HTTP Header is not present

    CBWIRE-86: Specify null values for data properties

    CBWIRE-87: Dependency injection capabilities to cbwire components

    CBWIRE-90: Update to match Livewire's current incoming and outgoing HTTP responses

    CBWIRE-91: Ability to use Turbo to create Single-page Applications ( SPAs )


    CBWIRE-73: Calling reset( "someProperty" ) throws error

    CBWIRE-74: Browser back history doesn't work

    CBWIRE-80: On subsequent renderings of components, it's changing the unique id and causing DOM diff issues

    CBWIRE-88: Livewire expects params to be an array

    CBWIRE-89: Not passing parameters when calling update methods

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