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ColdBox 5.3.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  January 14, 2019

What's New With 5.3.0

ColdBox 5.3.0 is a minor version update with lots of fixes, improvements and some new features not only to the ColdBox core but to LogBox and WireBox standalone versions alike. Below are the major areas of improvement and the full release notes. To update y...

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ColdBox 5.2.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  October 18, 2018

What's New With 5.2.0

ColdBox 5.2.0 is a minor version update with lots of fixes, improvements and some new features not only to the ColdBox core but to LogBox and WireBox standalone versions alike. Below are the major areas of improvement and the full release notes. To update y...

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ColdBox 5.1.4 Released!

Luis Majano |  August 13, 2018

Two patch releases have gone out the door for ColdBox, check out the tickets:

What's New With 5.1.3 and 5.1.4


ColdBox 5.1.2 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 24, 2018

What's New With 5.1.2

This is a patch release for ColdBox


  • [COLDBOX-711] - HTML helper cannot add fontawesome icons in button due to XSS enabled b...
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ColdBox 5.1.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 02, 2018

ColdBox 5.1.1 patch update has been released today. This patch covers some major regresssions and improvements for stability. You can find the release notes below.


ColdBox 5.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  June 28, 2018

Ohh happy day! ColdBox 5.1.0 is now available. Using CommandBox just issue a simple update coldbox and you are done! This release is fully documented and you can find the what's new guide here: Below you will find the major areas of improvement for this release and you can visit the link for the full release notes.

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ColdBox and TestBox Microsoft Visual Studio Code Support Released

Luis Majano |  November 29, 2017

We are very excited today to announce the immediate release of our first two extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio Code Our ColdBox Extension is very similar to our Sublime extension but better! I have to admit that VSCode is absolutely great and we have been able to not only release our collection of snippets but give you typeahead and scope recognition in this extension.

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CFSummit2017 - ColdBox Hierarchical MVC - Transform Your Monolith

Luis Majano |  November 20, 2017

Here are our slides from our ColdBox Hierarchical MVC presentation at this year's Adobe ColdFusion Summit. You can also find the source code for our demo here: or you can install it via CommandBox: box install lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo.

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Injecting Functions with WireBox

Brad Wood |  January 31, 2017

This is a guest post by Eric Peterson.

I had a unique use-case the other day, and I wanted to share the solution with you all.

I use [a custom `Collection` component]( to handle many higher-order functions like map, reduce, filter, etc. Basically, it wraps an array or a query and lets you continue chaining these functions, kind of like [wrapping a value with lodash in Javascript](

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ColdBox 4.3.0 Released

Luis Majano |  October 19, 2016

We are pleased to announce the general availability of ColdBox 4.3.0, WireBox 4.3.0, CacheBox 4.3.0 and LogBox 4.3.0. This is a minor release with some great improvements and lots of bug fixes. So let's look at the major things in this release.

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