CF Summit 2017 was a lot of fun, lots of new faces, and good to meet friends, old and new alike. I really enjoyed the ColdBox 2 day training, RESTFul Training Bootcamp. I also enjoyed, Pete Freitag's Hands On CFML Security Workshop. It was fun, and terrifying at the same time. My session on 3 ways to test your ColdFusion API went well, lots of interest, and lots of discussion after the class. I am sharing my slides in this post, as well as a collection of other Video Presentations from previous presentations by myself, and others, which will help build upon the information presented.
CFObjective 2017 - 3 WAYS TO TEST YOUR COLDFUSION API - Gavin Pickin
Most projects in CF now involve creating some type of consumable CFC Endpoint or API Service... do you Unit test your API, do you use Integration Tests on your API? How many ways do you test your API? Not all tests are created equal.
We build our CFCs and CF API to be consumed with CF Apps, Mobile Apps, Javascript apps and devices we haven’t even thought about yet. To be smart developers we need to be able to test our CFC endpoints, and the code that uses those endpoints.
CFObjective 2017 - Automate Thyself - Luis Majano
At this year's CF.Objective I had the privilege to present on testing and automation. Here are the slides for the presentation and you can find the test source code in github:
Automate Thyself Synop...
Using "testbox watch" to Automate Your Testing Suite
Using "testbox watch" to Automate Your Testing Suite
There is a new command in town in the CommandBox 3.7 snapshot build. If you want to get the current snapshot build of CommandBox 3.7 to try this out, and play with it, simply run the following command and it will direct you to the latest bleeding edge download page:
CommandBox> upgrade --latest
TestBox v2.5.0 Released!
We are excited to announce the release of TestBox version 2.5.0. To install just do:
box install testbox --savedev
To upgrade your current testbox installation just run the following:
box uninstall testbox && install testbox --savedev
TestBox 2.5.0 is a minor release with some great new functionality and tons of fixes. You can find the release notes here and the major updates for this release. One of the biggest features for TestBox that was not part of TestBox, was the addition of TestBox Watchers to CommandBox.
Content Box Theme Development: Creating a CI Pipeline
An incredibly powerful feature of ContentBox 3 is the increasing availability of open source themes to jump start your custom development. For those wishing to contribute back to the community, creating your own theme is as simple as cloning one of our boilerplate themes, creating a new GitHub repo for your customizations, and publishing your theme on Forgebox.
Spec Data Binding in TestBox
This issue has comed up several times in our mailing lists, so why not expand a little with a blog post.
The Problem
Many developers working with TestBox love the BDD approach to spec design. Once they get familiar with the syntax they start getting funky! It is just natural! Since they are coding within a CFC they decide to create dynamic it()
or specs by iterating o...
REST2016 - Testing your API with TestBox
Are you writing APIs? Going to start writing APIs? Now is the time to start testing. Do it early, and often, and reap the benefits as the project grows. TestBox, the defacto CFML test suite, can help your test your API, whether it’s CFML or not.
I will assume you have the basic TextBox installation setup.
TestBox v2.3.0 Released!
Team TestBox is proud to bring our latest release to the masses, v2.3.0. This release includes a collection of fixes but also several new cool features thanks to Mr Eric Peterson and our Slack community. It has been incredible to get so much community support in this project and so many pull requests and even to our documentation. So thank you so much for supporting and believing in us. This release is for you!
All the docs have been updated in our documentation book and check out the what's new page for an in-depth overview of this release.
You can also very easily get started or update your project with TestBox via CommandBox CLI for ColdFusion (CFML):
Build, Test, and Deploy Your Module with Travis CI