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Quick 4.0.0 Released

Eric Peterson |  August 03, 2020

Quick 4.0.0 was released this past week and brought with it some welcome quality-of-life improvements, a handy new counts feature, improvements to error messages, and a bunch of squashed bugs. Although it is technically a major version change, most users will be able to upgrade with no changes to their code. Let's dive in to see what's new.

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Quick v3.0.0 Beta Available

Eric Peterson |  April 22, 2020

We are excited to announce that the Quick 3.0.0 beta has been released. Come read what has changed since the alphas, what is left to do before a stable release, when to expect the stable release, and how you can help.

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Quick v3.0.0 Alpha Released

Eric Peterson |  April 07, 2020

It's finally here, the first alpha of Quick 3.0.0. Come read about the headline features of this next major release.

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A New Template Approaches: Quick with Auth!

Eric Peterson |  August 16, 2019

You know what's tedious? Authentication. Every project I start needs some sort of authentication system. And every project I start basically from scratch.

I noticed this pattern a while ago and created some libraries to help. You may have used them before.

cbauth is a library that handles creating user sessions for you app while giving enough customization to use different authentication methods and session storages....

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The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 6 — qb

Eric Peterson |  December 19, 2017

In the CFML scene, there seems to be two names when it comes to data persistance plain ole' cfquery and ORM — not much inbetween. Our module highlight today is out to change that.

Meet qb.

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See the code - How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox

Gavin Pickin |  August 15, 2017

In my last post, I talked about How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox. I talked through the what, why, how, but didn't get to the code. So this post, is going to go through the code and give you a real example you could use today to extend ContentBox's core Author module with your own function.

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How to hook into Hibernate ORM Events easily with CBORM and ColdBox

Gavin Pickin |  August 14, 2017

I have been working for Ortus Solutions for over two years now, and still, every day I learn something new about one of our modules or tools. In one of my current customer projects, we are taking a ContentBox installation ( our Modular Content Management System built on top of ColdBox ), customizing it, extending it, and it's really fun. One of the big customizations for this projects is extending the permissions structure, outside of what we wanted to do in the ContentBox core.

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ColdBox 4.0 ORM Services

Brad Wood |  February 12, 2015

ColdBox's ORM services have always been a very compelling part of the framework for those using ORM in their applications.  The provide you with an automatic, extendable service layer for an ORM entity complete with common methods, pagination and really sweet syntactical sugar such as dynamic finders:

user = userService.findByLastName("Majano");
users = userService.findAllByLastLoginBetween( "01/01/2014", "01/01/2015" );
count = userService.countByLastLoginGreaterThan( "01/01/2013" );
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Coldbox CBDW2013 Online Training is Available!

Luis Majano |  October 02, 2013

We are very excited to announce our second online course available for both ColdBox and ContenBox Modular CMS thanks to our annual conference CBDW2013:  

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DataBoss - Dynamic Administrator Has Landed

Luis Majano |  March 26, 2013

We are so excited to welcome our new product in the Ortus Solutions lineup; DataBoss : Dynamic Administrator.  Here is a little brief overview about DataBoss and how it can help you as a developer and also as a company.  DataBoss is powered by Co...

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