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ColdBox 4.0 Module Enhancements

Curt Gratz |  February 02, 2015

One of the biggest things we changed about ColdBox 4.0 is making tons of the core completely modular.  To support this change, we needed to enhance our modules architecture which brought some cool new features to you.  

Module Inception

Every time I talk about ColdBox modules with people, I get asked if modules can contain modules, which up to now wasn't an option. But the first Module Enhancement I'd like to bring to your attention is just that.  We call it Module Inception.  This will allow for even greater ways for you to build and architect your applications.  Modules can be nested to the Nth degree.  Creating a ton of options and flexibility for you the developer in how you organize your code.

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ColdBox Validation is Now a Module

Scott Coldwell |  January 28, 2015

The new modular approach of ColdBox 4.0 means much of its built-in functionality has been moved to separate, installable modules. One of the many new modules introduced with ColdBox 4.0 is the Validation Module. To install, simply fire up CommandBox.

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New Compatibility Module released to help get you on ColdBox 4.0

Brad Wood |  November 13, 2014

ColdBox 4.0 is now in Release Candidate and we're tightening down all the screws for the big release.  As 4.0 is a major release of the platform, we've taken the opportunity to really clean up the code, making changes and improvements where necessary.  This i...

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Short Screencast on Installing the Ortus FuseGuard Module

Brad Wood |  April 02, 2014

Here is a short introductory video of how you can start protecting your ColdBox applications with our FuseGuard Module!  Enjoy!


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Secure Your ColdBox Application Easily With the New FuseGuard Module

Brad Wood |  November 01, 2013

We are very pleased to announce the new Ortus FuseGuard Module for securing ColdBox applications against malicious attacks.  FuseGuard is a web application firewall written by the smart ...

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Coldbox CBDW2013 Online Training is Available!

Luis Majano |  October 02, 2013

We are very excited to announce our second online course available for both ColdBox and ContenBox Modular CMS thanks to our annual conference CBDW2013:  

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A New Tool For Your Box- ProfileBox: ColdBox Profiling and Metrics

Brad Wood |  July 24, 2013

We are so excited to welcome our new product in the Ortus Solutions lineup; ProfileBox : ColdBox Metrics & Profiling.  Here is a little brief overview about ProfileBox and how it can help you as a developer and a...

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ColdBox Module: FileBrowser v1.6 Released

Luis Majano |  May 28, 2012

We are happy to announce a cool little update for our multi-operating system file browser and manager module.  This update includes some nice css, image updates but also a new grid or listing system for content, and double click selections.  This cool little module can be used in any ColdBox 3 application and give you great file managing, browsing and selection capabilities.  It also integrates with CKEditor and it i...

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ColdBox & ContentBox HTML Compressors

Luis Majano |  May 07, 2012

We have released today a cool module that will do HTML compression for your ColdBox and ContentBox applications.  This module is based off the HTML Compressor and Minifier project (  This module will compress your HTML with certain compiler rules, compress your inline CSS and even your inline JavaScript.  It can also keep track of compressed HTML in any CacheBox provider for you,...

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Code Some ColdBox & Win a Kindle Fire or iPod

Luis Majano |  December 13, 2011

We are announcing today a contest that will really give you some nice additions to your holiday presents, a cool Kinlde Fire and an iPod nano! This contest is available to all you ColdFusion folks or non-ColdFusion folks that can now have an excuse to try ColdFusion and ColdBox, create a cool application and win big! So here are the rules:

ColdBox 3.5.0 BETA Modules Contest

Create a

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