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The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 3 — str

Eric Peterson |  December 16, 2017

Modules don't have to be big. In fact, the Unix philosophy says to do one thing and do it well. While modules on ForgeBox run the gamut of [d]oing one thing]( and full blown frameworks, today we will look at one of the utility libraries on ForgeBox — a string manipulation library called str.

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The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 2 — cbmailservices

Eric Peterson |  December 14, 2017

ForgeBox is your first stop for when you need some new functionality for your application, be that a utility library, an SDK, a framework, or something else. Today we'll take a look at one of the tools for helping manage sending emails — cbmailservices.

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The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 1 — Hyper

Eric Peterson |  December 13, 2017

We enjoyed bringing you tips for CommandBox and ContentBox last year for the 12 days of Christmas so much that we decided to do it again! This year, I'm happy to show you 12 different modules currently hosted on ForgeBox just waiting to make your life easier. So grab a hot drink and cozy up for the 12 Tips of (ForgeBox) Christmas.

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CFCamp 2017 - ColdBox 5 Hierarchical MVC - Transform Your Monolith

Luis Majano |  October 31, 2017

Here are the slides from our presentation at CFCamp 2017 Day 2: ColdBox Hierarchical MVC. You can also find the source code for our demo here: or you can use CommandBox to install it: box install lmajano/hmvc-presso-demo

The ColdBox Platform was the f...

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CFCamp 2017 - A Tale of Legacy to Modernization Presentation

Luis Majano |  October 20, 2017

Here are the slides from our presentation at CFCamp 2017 Day 1: A Tale of Legacy to Modernization.

Evolve or Die! How many times have they told you, You still coding in that?. Come to this session to discover the infamous land of legacy ColdFusion applications, their why and existence motivations. We will then discover how to finally evolve them and take them to the wonderful land of Modern ColdFus...

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ColdBox Relax v3.0 Released

Jon Clausen |  April 11, 2017

ColdBox Relax

Coldbox Relax LogoColdBox Relax Moldule v3.0 has been officially released, which includes native support for the OpenAPI/Swagger specification, in addition to a variety of feature upgrades and enhancements.

Version 3.0 makes the OpenAPI/Swagger specification the default documentation format for describing your APIs, while deprecating the Relax programmatic DSL ( scheduled EOL is v4.0 ). In addition, the release includes a complete overhaul of the user interface and Relax API Test Tool, to provide users with a seamless experience for documenting, viewing, testing and exporting in a variety of formats.

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CBCMS2016 - Building your Own Admin Modules - Part 4 - Extending ContentBox 3

Gavin Pickin |  August 11, 2016

Ready for part 4? Yes, part 4. We continue our small walkthrough of building your own Admin Module in ContentBox 3. The last few blog posts we learned the minimum requirements for a new module, to be controlled from inside of ContentBox. Then we learned how to add a handler and a view, and how to access the module from the front end entry point, and through the ContentBox admin entrypoint. In the last blog post in this mini series, we looked at adding a Submenu for your module, to an existing top level Menu item inside of the ContentBox admin. This blog post is going to show you how to add your very own top level Menu item, give it an icon, set permissions, and then add Submenu items to access your module.

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CBCMS2016 - Building your Own Admin Modules - Part 3 - Extending ContentBox 3

Gavin Pickin |  August 09, 2016

In previous posts, we learned how to create a module inside of ContentBox, and then we added a handler and view so we could view the module behind the security of the login, but having an admin module, without menu items, is fairly silly ( usually ). In this blog post, we'll learn how you can add Submenu items to existing menus, like the Modules Main Menu.

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CBCMS2016 - Building your Own Admin Modules - Part 2 - Extending ContentBox 3

Gavin Pickin |  July 29, 2016

In our last post, we started building an Admin Module. This process isn't actually that difficult or long, but we have broken it into separate blog posts to make it easier to read each piece. We have built our basic ModuleConfig.cfc, now we need to build an event handler and view, so the default action when you hit your new module have something visible. Our module was called mySecrets, so lets move on.

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CBCMS2016 - Building your Own Admin Modules - Part 1 - Extending ContentBox 3

Gavin Pickin |  July 27, 2016

In previous posts, we looked at how to extend ContentBox 3 with ColdBox Modules, installing from Forgebox with CommandBox, or creating your own. In this post, we're going to look at how you can create your own Admin Modules, add Menu Items into the Admin Interface, use ContentBox admin Users and Permissions instead of building your own security by extending ContentBox.

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