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CommandBox v3.1.1 Released

Brad Wood |  July 01, 2016

We are pleased to announce the general availability of CommandBox 3.1.1 Final.  This is a minor release of our CLI tool,  but with some major new features.  We actually made the final 3.1.1 builds public a couple weeks ago for Into The Box, but have just now finalized the documentation and press release.  

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ContentBox 3 - Modules modules everywhere - Extending ContentBox

Gavin Pickin |  May 18, 2016

In the last blog post, we talked about extending ContentBox with modules. With ContentBox being built on top of ColdBox, and integration with ForgeBox using CommandBox, there are a lot of modules ( and module locations), and how those modules interact isn't obvious at first. To be honest, with ContentBox 3, we only just decided to move the core contentbox modules, to provide clearer separation, and easier source control management... things are changing, so I thought this would be a great time to explain about the different type of module locations, and why you should use one over another.

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ContentBox 3 - Extending ContentBox 3 easily with Modules

Gavin Pickin |  May 16, 2016

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. ContentBox 3.0 has been a massive project, with so many changes and features, its really exciting to be a part of it. The good news, the testing is almost all done, we're going to cut a final release very soon. This means I have a lot of great things to blog about, and if you want a front seat to a full tour, you need to make sure you are coming to Into The Box (Ortus Solution's very own 1 day 2 track conference), June 14, 2016, in Minneapolis University of St Thomas, MN. USA - the day before Dev.Objective().

Note: You should attend both of these Conference, they are great, and the Ortus Solutions and ColdBox team will be giving several presentations at Into The Box and Dev.Objective()). They are great learning & networking events, hope to see you all there.

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CommandBox v3.1.0 Beta Ready For Testing

Brad Wood |  May 05, 2016

We are excited to announce availability of CommandBox v3.1.0 Beta for testing and feedback.  Our goal is to have this released in time for Into The Box so that means we need you to help get it stable and ready to go.  There are a collec...

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Build, Test, and Deploy Your Module with Travis CI

Jon Clausen |  February 15, 2016

In its early stages, shipping your new module isn't such a big deal.  The .zip link provided by GitHub works fine for the Forgebox link, and it's not a big deal to update the entry whenever you release a new version.  Once you release it and other developers actually start using and depending on your software, however, the need to automate aspects of the build and deployment process become apparent.  
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Intro to box.json

Nathaniel Francis |  February 26, 2015

In ForgeBox package management, the box.json file contains data related to your package. This post covers a good base for what minimum attributes to include to get your package loaded up to ForgeBox and make it CommandBox friendly.

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CommandBox - Searching ForgeBox

Brad Wood |  February 09, 2015

We have big plans for using CommandBox to install packages from all sorts of code endpoints-- local folders, Git/SVN URLs, private corporate repos, etc.  Version 1.0 of CommandBox focused on ForgeBox though, which is our CFML code depot.  It may have started out as a ColdBox/ContentBox-specific thing, but is now open to the entire community to put any project they want on.  I'm excited to already see entries like CFWheelsFW/1MXUnit, and MonkehTweets on there.  The more packages installable from CommandBox via ForgeBox, the more we all win.

Soon ForgeBox will get even more life of its own enhancing it with more functionality such as having multiple versions of the same package. We've already set up as the new domain for ForgeBox's HTML interface where you can search, sort, and filter the entries in your web browser.  We've also built a "forgebox" namespace into CommandBox that uses the REST API to let you interact with ForgeBox from your console.

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ColdBox Validation is Now a Module

Scott Coldwell |  January 28, 2015

The new modular approach of ColdBox 4.0 means much of its built-in functionality has been moved to separate, installable modules. One of the many new modules introduced with ColdBox 4.0 is the Validation Module. To install, simply fire up CommandBox.

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ColdBox 4 & CommandBox Beta have arrived!

Luis Majano |  September 04, 2014

Ortus Solutions is proud to announce the general beta availability of ColdBox 4.0.0 and CommandBox 1.0.0.  This has been over 6 months of hard work from the engineering team to bring you two revolutionary new product releases that we are sure is going to change the ColdFusion (CFML) landscape.  

ColdBox 4 has ...

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Coldbox CBDW2013 Online Training is Available!

Luis Majano |  October 02, 2013

We are very excited to announce our second online course available for both ColdBox and ContenBox Modular CMS thanks to our annual conference CBDW2013:  

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