A ContnentBox Success Story!
Watch and listen as Tim Cunningham, the vice president of [Primoris Services](http://www.primoriscorp.com/) discusses how they leveraged ContentBox Modular CMS to deliver a payment portal for their API payment services!

If you will be attending this year's [CF.Objective](https://www.cfobjective.com/) (Which you should!) on July, then you can attend our ColdFusion CommandBox training (July 18-19) and get a whooping **25%**! You can use the discount code `cfobjective` and be on your way to learn how to evolve your legacy ColdFusion applications by using modern tooling like CommandBox!
We are excited to announce the release of TestBox version 2.5.0. To install just do:
box install testbox --savedev
To upgrade your current testbox installation just run the following:
box uninstall testbox && install testbox --savedev
TestBox 2.5.0 is a minor release with some great new functionality and tons of fixes. You can find the release notes here and the major updates for this release. One of the biggest features for TestBox that was not part of TestBox, was the addition of TestBox Watchers to CommandBox.
We definitely had fun sharing the latest features of our new ContentBox 3.0 modular CMS. We hope you boys and girls enjoyed it and are falling even more in love with our Open Source CMS and how it can get your projects done and out the door in not time.
For those of you who want to revisit the content from the Roadshow we have included the link to the webinars, recordings, ...