New ColdBox Plugin: JS Calendar

What do you want to learn about ColdBox at CFUnited-09?

ColdBox Website has now Flickr Photostreams and a Video Community

The ColdBox Website has been updated with several new sections and content. The most new prominent areas are the Flickr Photostream and the ColdBox Videos section that can be found under the Downloads tab that you can see above. The training areas have been updated with very interesting testimonials and some vi...
ColdBox: A ColdFusion Framework, Public Beta Opened!

Well, I have been finally going at it more than usual to get this public beta out. You can find it now under my projects section by using the link below So welcome to ColdBox. Please use the trac site for issues and the wiki, which I have been putting a lot of content. Use the forums for any discussions, and if you need to contact me use the conta...
Introducing ColdBox. An open source Coldfusion Framework

Well, I am finally opening the lid on a project I have been developing since August of last year: ColdBox a ColdFusion Framework. I am just releasing the specs for this framework for now as I complete all the documentation and sample applications. If you want to see how it works, well you are already using it. This site, its blog (Raymond Camden's BlogCFC by the way), and its forums (
How does ColdBox compare to other Frameworks

On my last post, Sami Hoda, pointed out the following:
How about an architectural comparison between Coldbox and other frameworks to give existing frameworks people perspective?
And I think it is a great idea to give reference on what ColdBox can do and how does it compare to other frameworks. However, I do need some help from you (Developers) to post exactly what you want to compare. I can ramble and ramble, but I would prefer to get a listing of wh...
Getting Ready for ColdBox 1.1.0: Exceptions Listings, Documentation, Need help and more.

In preparation for the 1.1.0 release of ColdBox, I am writing documentation like crazy so I can help developers understand more on how to use this framework. I have just finished all of the Guides and a new section which actually lists all the thrown exceptions by the framework. You can take a look at the list here: Exceptions List Guides: Guides FAQ ...
Frameworks Conference, I got nominated. Vote for me

I just realized that I got nominated to speak at the Frameworks Conference in DC in February. So if you really support ColdBox and would like a ColdBox 101 session for this conference, then go to the link below and vote for me. Thanks again for your ColdBox support.
...ColdBox Google Groups Created!!

I just created the ColdBox Google Groups Mailing List. You can use it for solving issues, bugs, discussions or anything you like. Also, if you forward any messages to and it is a valid bug it will be started as a discussion also if need be. Here is the info:
- Group name: ColdBox: A ColdFusion Framework
- Group home page
- Group em...
Why does ColdBox exist? Why another framework?

I recently found some great comments about a user commenting on ColdBox, why it exists, why create it, etc. I found it enlightening because, not many people have used this yet, it is fairly new to the open source community and it is my job to write more about the nature of ColdBox and using a coldfusion framework. So to introduce the article I have to note that ColdBox is another tool for web application development. Just like mach-ii and model-glue. Some people want competition and which one is the best. I do not believe in that. I believe in cooperation and finding the best solution to a problem, no matter what. I even wish that all the framework authors can join and create a solution. (Anybody listening?? A standard??) So please understand, that object oriented approaches and enterprise level application architectures will be complex and you should study upon them. Here is my article: