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Should ColdBox Drop ColdFusion 7 support? Get Involved!!

Luis Majano |  May 28, 2009

I have been debating with the decision to continue to support ColdFusion 7 in the main ColdBox core for version 3.0.0 and move ahead with CF8 compatibility. As of now, we have decided to maintain ColdFusion 7 support, but you can make this change. Our upcoming version is targeted for release by Fall of 2009 and we need your input. We have put together a small survey below and according to the community's response, we will either maintain the core to be ColdFusion 7 compatible or move ahead...

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Fill out my CF.Objective 2009 Session Survey

Luis Majano |  May 19, 2009
If you guys attended my ColdBox: More Than MVC session at CF.Objective, please fill out this short survey so we can be invited again and participate in such a great conference.  Again, if you missed the session, you can view the online pres...
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ColdBox Contributed Plugins Page

Luis Majano |  May 18, 2009

The following page has been created in the wiki to host contributed ColdBox plugins, ColdBox Custom Plugins. This will be updated and moved to the ColdBox website as the website is updated and released later this year. However, you now have a location of contributed custom plugins. So if you have any plugins you would like to share with the community, please send them to ...

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ColdBox CF.Objective 2009 Presentation Slides

Luis Majano |  May 15, 2009
I finished today my presentation at CF.Objective: ColdBox - More than MVC. It was a greatly received presentation where we showcased our Alpha of ColdBox 3.0.0. If you want to see the presentation and download the source code, just go here: Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!!...
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ColdBox Presentation Recordings at OCDEV

Luis Majano |  April 09, 2009

I had the pleasure of getting to speak at the Orange County User Group last night and it was a great night.  We had a full night of ColdBox and even some incredible Ping Pong tournament.  Thanks guys for inviting me over.  You can find the recordings for the presentations below.  You will be surprised to see some of the new ColdBox projects, especially our new ColdBox Lookup Manager that has been silently released.  Expect more on it soon.

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CFConversations interview

Luis Majano |  February 03, 2009

I did an interview for CFConversations back in October and it is now released.  Please check it out by visiting the cfconversations website. It was a true pleasure to talk to

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Come see Adobe debate Microsoft at the IECFUG

Luis Majano |  January 27, 2009

Come join us for "The battle for control of the future of computing debate at

7 PM (PST/GMT +8) on Thursday, February 12 in the Bronco Student Center (Ursa Minor) at California ...
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ColdBox Plugin using Brian Kotek's Form Utilities

Luis Majano |  January 27, 2009
Tony Garcia has posted an excellent tutorial on how to use Brian Kotek's Form Utilities within a ColdBox Application with easy and elegance.

Thanks for this great tutorial Tony!!
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Code Depot updates, new plugin and interceptor

Luis Majano |  January 14, 2009
Dutch Rapley has contributed two nice additions, a POST method plugin and a form inspector interceptor. Please check them out here in our code depot.
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CBOX-100 Munich Training Pictures

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2008
I posted the Munich CBOX-100 pictures in our Flickr group this weekend but I forgot to blog about it. If you would like to see them, just go here:

Thanks to all the attendees for making this a great training!!

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