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ColdBox Training in Minneapolis in 3 weeks

Luis Majano |  April 01, 2010
CF.Objective is around the corner (April 22nd) and so is our 1 day training workshop at CF. Objective on April 21st.  We still have some seats available and would love for you or your team to come hang out with us and create some awesome ColdBox goodness!  Even if you have already registered for the conference you can easily add the training by
contacting Best Meetings Inc. At
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ColdFusion ORM - filtered has[property] gotcha...

Curt Gratz |  March 02, 2010

I was working more with Coldfusion 9 ORM and found another small caveat I thought I would share.  When working with a relationship that is filtered, the implicit "has[property]", the has does not take into account the filter.  The implicit get works as expected however.  Consider the following persistent cfc...

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Donde estan los desarolladores latinos (Brasileiros tambem) de ColdFusion/ColdBox?

Luis Majano |  February 18, 2010
He estado pensando mucho en la comunidad latina ultimamente y viendo como poder ayudar a que crezcamos como comunidad de desarollo.  ColdBox es un projecto totalmente latino y muy orgulloso de ello.  Este blog post es para llamar a los desarolladores de ColdFusion/ColdBox latinos que estubieran interesados en hacer grupos de soporte de ColdBox en español, documentación en español, y mucho mas.  Este es un llamada a organización y para conocernos como comunidad.  Porfavor deja...
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jQuery tabs and IE caching...

Curt Gratz |  February 02, 2010

I ran into an interesting issue using the jQuery UI tabs ajax style and Internet Explorer. 

If you setup the tabs with the with the cache turned off, they will still be cached in IE.   I had worked around this issue by adding a counter that changed every time to my href for the tab, but I found a more elegant solution and thought I would share.

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Hello Coldbox Community...

Curt Gratz |  January 30, 2010


My name is Curt Gratz, and I'm a Coldbox Junkie...

Before I started posting to the Coldbox blog, I thought I should introduce myself.  I am a long time (13+ year) Coldfusion developer, part owner of Coldbox Alliance Partner Computer Know How, and the newest member of Team Coldbox. 

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ColdBox Case Study: Label A

Luis Majano |  January 26, 2010
This week we would like to showcase Label A's ColdBox case study.  They have some excellent applications and products based on the ColdBox Platform that is really awesome work.  Their case study can be found here:
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ColdBox Training (Feb20) Early Bird Ends Friday!

Luis Majano |  January 25, 2010

Just a reminder that our Early Bird pricing for our Ontario, California ColdBox training ends this Friday at 11:59 PM PST.  So book your training today and just as a last early bird week gift, use the discount code: cfug and get an extra $100 chopped off the early bird price.


Core ColdBox is our 2-day flagship intensive training course that will get you started with Col...

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ColdBox Book contest ends this week!

Luis Majano |  January 25, 2010

This January 28th at 5PM PST our free book contest ends, so get your entries submitted by then.  All you have to do is submit code entries to ForgeBox and the person with the most amount of submitted projects wins a free ColdBox book!! That's it! So get to i...

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ColdBox Case Study: Amcom Technologies

Luis Majano |  January 18, 2010
This week we would like to showcase Amcom Technology as their ColdBox case study is really refreshing.  They have also done some tremendous work with ColdBox/ColdFusion and continue to innovate.  Their case study can be found here:
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Win a free ColdBox Definitive Guide Book!

Luis Majano |  January 06, 2010
Announcing our first awesome contest so you can win a brand spanking new copy of our ColdBox Definitive Guide Book!  What do you need to do?  Simple, here are the instructions.

You will first need to register an account with us in our ForgeBox site:
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