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WireBox Dependency Injection and AOP Recording

Luis Majano |  July 13, 2011
I Just recently gave a presentation to the online CFMeetup on WireBox, Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming.  This presentation covered both basics and advanced topics, so please check it out:

CFMeetup : WireBox Dependency Injection & AOP from Luis Majano on

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ColdBox Connection: The Developer ToolBox

Curt Gratz |  July 07, 2011

Todays ColdBox Connection topic was "The Developer ToolBox".  We discussed the various tools Luis and the team have made available to you the developer to make your life easier.  

You can access the recording at

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ColdBox Quick Docs Released

Curt Gratz |  July 07, 2011

The ColdBox Quick Docs are released for your use.  They allow you to quickly search any of the ColdBox Platform APIs.

We have also released the module used to run the quick docs to ForgeBox



Basic Requirements: 

  • Coldbox 3.1.0
  • Autowire Interceptor enabled.
  • SES Interceptor enabled.



Grab the Module and place it in the Modules Directory.



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ColdBox Training Coming to DC Pre-RIACon

Luis Majano |  June 29, 2011
I am so excited to announce a pre-conference training before RIACON this August 3rd, 4th and 5th in Washington, D.C vicinity.  RIACON promises to be an incredible conference and if you have not purchased your tickets, then you should now!  3 days before the conference we will be holding a 3 day intensive CBOX-101 cour...
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ColdBox at the CFMeetup June 30th

Luis Majano |  June 28, 2011
Just a little reminder that we will be presenting on WireBox: Dependency Injection and AOP this June 30th at the Online CFMeetup with Charlie Arehart.

When: June 30th, 6pm Eastern (3pm PST)
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RIACon ColdBox Pre-Conference Training

Luis Majano |  June 14, 2011
We need your help to see if we will hold some pre-conference training for RIACon this August in Washington, D.C.  So please fill out this small survey below so we can get an idea of what we will offer for the conference.  Each course retails at $895 per student with several discounts that will fly around.  Thanks again: