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ContentBox Presentation Slides

Luis Majano |  January 12, 2012
Thanks to the Houston ColdFusion User Group for hosting us last night and unveiling ContentBox for the first time.  Here are the slides of the presentation for y...

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Pre-OpenCFSummit trainings are now open

Luis Majano |  January 06, 2012

We are very happy to announce 3 training courses before this year's OpenCFSummit in Garland, Texas next month:  We will be holding the courses at the Hyatt Place Dalas Garland which is the same hotel as the conference and a few minutes away from the Special Event Center. 

We will be offering the following courses side by side on February 21st and 22nd and then 1 course on February 23rd.  We also have special discounts for students, non-profits and OpenCFSummit attendees.  So if you qualify on any of those categories, email us at to receive your discount codes.

We also have a $99 negotiated rate with the Hyatt Place, so call in to +1 972 414 3500  in order to receive the discounted rate.

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ContentBox at the Houston User Group

Luis Majano |  January 05, 2012

Just a quick note that we will be showcasing ContentBox, our modular content platform for ColdFusion, at the Houston User Group next week.  So if you will be close by, please drop by as we will have a hands on workshop on how to install ContentBox and get it up and running.

For those of you who do not know what ContentBox is, here is a little insight.  ContentBox is our next ...

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ColdBox Connection Starting Up Again

Luis Majano |  January 04, 2012

Just a note that now that 2012 is here, we will begin our ColdBox Connection program again starting on January 19th, in the same channel and the same time!  See you soon!



Every Thursday bi-weekly from 10:00 AM PST - 11:00 AM PST. Here is our

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ColdBox Contest Extension

Luis Majano |  December 13, 2011

Just a note that we are extending the contest until Sunday night December 18th to give folks a few more days to code :).  So please check out the original entry:

So remember, code some ColdBox and win a Kindle Fire!

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Code Some ColdBox & Win a Kindle Fire or iPod

Luis Majano |  December 13, 2011

We are announcing today a contest that will really give you some nice additions to your holiday presents, a cool Kinlde Fire and an iPod nano! This contest is available to all you ColdFusion folks or non-ColdFusion folks that can now have an excuse to try ColdFusion and ColdBox, create a cool application and win big! So here are the rules:

ColdBox 3.5.0 BETA Modules Contest

Create a

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ColdFusion Dependency Injection Free Training

Luis Majano |  December 06, 2011

Today we are releasing a free chapter of our CBOX-202: WireBox Dependency Injection & AOP course to the ColdFusion community.  The chapter is an introduction of dependency injection and inversion of control.

Download Here:

We cannot stress the value of using a DI f...

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CBOX 204: Testing, Mocking, Stubbing Oh My!

Luis Majano |  November 16, 2011

We are pleased to announce yet another course to our ColdBox Platform Training Series:


CBOX 204 - Testing, Mocking, Stubbing, Oh My!

This is a great course for ColdBox and non-ColdBox users alike who are in need of sharpening their testing, testing tools, mocking and stubbing skills in ColdFusion. The...

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ColdBox Relax v1.7 Released

Luis Majano |  November 16, 2011

We are proud to announce yet another version of our open source RESTful assistant: ColdBox Relax - RESTful Tools For Lazy Experts! For those of you who do not know what ColdBox Relax is, here you go:

What is Relax? ColdBox Relax is a set of RESTful tools for lazy experts. We pride ourselves in helping developers work smarter and of course document more in less time by providing them the necessary tools to automagically document and test. ColdBox Relax is a ...

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ColdBox Connection Topics Survey

Luis Majano |  November 01, 2011

We need your help! Please fill out the survey below to suggest topics for our ColdBox connection and also if you are interested in presenting, please put your contact info so we can contact you. The ColdBox Connection is a bi-weekly free webinar that features the ColdBox Team and of course ColdBox related seminars. Not only do we showcase features about ColdBox but we are also available to answer any of your questions directly on the show. Thi...

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