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CFObjective 2012 Pre-Conference Trainings

Luis Majano |  March 06, 2012

We are very happy to announce 3 training courses before this year's in Minneapolis in May:   We will be offering the following courses side by side on May 14th - 15th and then 1 course on May 16th.  We also have special discounts for students, non-profits and CFObjective attendees.  So if you qualify on any of those categories, e-mail us at to receive your discount codes.

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ContentBox in the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group

Luis Majano |  March 05, 2012

If you will be in the vicinity of San Francisco March 8th, then please drop by to the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group at 6:30 PM.  We will be showcasing our new ColdBox powered product, ContentBox.  So come and learn about this great new open source content management engine and how ColdBox Modules powers it!


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ContentBox in San Francisco March 8, 2012

Luis Majano |  March 05, 2012

We are incredibly excited to be going to the San Francisco ColdFusion User Group March 8, 2012.  The meeting starts at 6:30 pm and we will be reviewing, installing and configuring ContentBox!  So if you will be in the area, come out and introduce yourself.  We will have some cool stuff to give away and go over this exciting new open source ColdFu...

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JSMin Compressor v1.7 Released!

Luis Majano |  March 02, 2012

JSMin Compressor is a plugin that interfaces with our own flavor of JSMin to minify css and js files.  It can also compress several files of the same type into a single include, that can be cached in your ColdBox applications.  This release fixes our java parser to compress more complicated CSS3 notations correctly.

Using our compressor can be as easy as this:


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ColdBox Validation Engine for v3.5

Luis Majano |  February 26, 2012

Just a quick announcement that we now have finally implemented a validation engine and aggregator in ColdBox for 3.5 release.  And in true professional open source style, fully documented:  It has an embedded validation engine but it also allows you to use ANY validation framework within ANY ColdBox application as long as it satisfies a few interfaces.  Check out our documentation page but here is a little teaser:

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HQL Query to Criteria Query Example

Curt Gratz |  February 08, 2012

I have been using criteria queries in favor of HQL queries quite a bit latley, so I thought  I would do a quick post of what a query would look like in HQL and then the same query written as a criteria query.

Some of the reasons I like to use criteria queries are

  • Readablity
  • No building up query strings and concatenating them to build a complex query
  • Powerful Object Oriented API

You can learn more...

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Zurich ColdBox Boot Camp in April

Luis Majano |  February 07, 2012

Welcome to our first ColdBox Boot Camp in Europe.  A glorious 5 day training boot camp featuring our most popular courses and our latest upcoming release ColdBox Platform 3.5.0.  All 3 courses will be delivered by Luis Majano, creator of the ColdBox Platform.

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ColdBox FileBrowser is here!

Luis Majano |  January 30, 2012

A big thanks to Curt Gratz on his awesome efforts and collaboration on this project.  The ColdBox FileBrowser module is now available for mass consumption and is a front-runner in ContentBox for media management and integration with CKEditor.

So what is FileBrowser? FileBrowser is a ColdBox Module that will enable file management capabilities in your applications.  It can also act as a file or directory chooser and has full integration with

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ColdBox Connection: ContentBox Recording

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2012

Here is the recording for our presentation today on ContentBox:

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ColdBox Connection: ContentBox January 19th

Luis Majano |  January 18, 2012
To start our 2012 ColdBox Connection schedule right, we will be showcasing a first look at ContentBox this Thursday January 19th, 2012 at our usual time: 10AM Pacific Standard Time in our usual channel: 

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