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ColdBox 6.7.0 Released

Luis Majano |  June 24, 2022


I am incredibly excited to announce the release of ColdBox v6.7.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This is an action packed release for all internal libraries with a big focus on performance, async programming, task scheduling and testing. With that said, let's explore this release. How do you update?

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Getting started with ColdBox Debugger

Daniel Garcia |  June 21, 2022

The ColdBox Debugger (cbDebugger) module is “a light-weight performance monitor and profiling tool for ColdBox applications” that can be used to see what is going on with your site. It can monitor any ColdBox site, from frontend sites with views to REST API sites. It can also track many things and give insights into requests, CacheBox caches, database activity (including cborm, quick, qb, and Adobe CF 2018+). It has also been recently updated to use Alpine JS as well as other enhancements. If you have not used ColdBox Debugger in a while, it is time to take another look.

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Mailgun Support for ColdBox Mail Services

Luis Majano |  June 15, 2022

I am very excited to announce the support for the Mailgun email delivery service in our ColdBox Mail Services module (cbmailservices) thanks to Scott Steinbeck.

What is Mailgun

Mailgun is an email delivery service for sending, receiving, and tracking emails. You can find a great introduction here:

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How Can I use a Jar library in CFML?

Michael Born |  June 14, 2022

CFML makes it simple to instantiate and use native Java classes without leaving CFML-land. For example, we can use Java's SimpleDateFormat library to format a date object. In order to use a third-party java library, however, such as the Jsoup HTML parser, you will need to load the jar into the CFML engine first, so let's see how we can do that.

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Migrating From ColdSpring to WireBox

Luis Majano |  March 24, 2022

ColdSpring was the first dependency injection framework for ColdFusion in the good 'ol days. It was inspired by Java Spring and it rocked during its tenure. As a matter of fact, there is still quite a large number of applications leveraging it, even though the framework itself is completey legacy, unsupported and might not even work on some versions of Adobe 2018+ as well. If you are in this technical debt boat and want a quick win and recover some ground in the technical debt war, then this tutorial is for you.

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ContentBox v5.1 Released

Luis Majano |  March 21, 2022

We are so excited to bring you a minor release update for ContentBox Hybrid CMS. This patch has taken quite some time to put together due to extensive implementations we have been releasing with ContentBox. It addresses a plethora of issues from our initial first major version release. It brings not only stability but an incredibly slew of updates and improvements to make developing with ContentBox easier.

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Built With ColdFusion and Ortus

Luis Majano |  March 04, 2022

Today we are announcing the availability of a new initiative to store and share sites, applications and companies that leverage ColdFusion (CMFL) and any of our Ortus Technology. This is a simple repository ...

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ColdBox 6.6.0 Released

Luis Majano |  February 04, 2022


Today we are incredibly excited to release ColdBox v6.6.0 and its standalone companion libraries: CacheBox, LogBox and WireBox. This release has taken quite a few months and tons of years of research to complete. We have finally made WireBox a Hierarchical Dependency Injection framework. This is our first huge step into allowing multi-dependency management in ColdBox Modules. This means that you will be able to have modules of different versions running within the same ColdBox app and each module will be able to get the right dependency that it needs. With that said, let's explore this release.

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ColdBox Mail Services 2.0 - Fluent Mail For All

Luis Majano |  November 08, 2021

We are so excited to bring you a major release of our cbmailservices module. This module has been around since our initial versions of ColdBox and it has now matured into a modern and fluent library for sending mail.

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ContentBox v5.x Released

Luis Majano |  September 29, 2021

We are incredibly excited to announce the release of the ContentBox Modular CMS v5 series. This has been a work over 1 year with a complete refocus and rearchitecturing of the core to take ContentBox to the next 10 years. It is also great to note that we are Professional Open Source, FREE, FOREVER. This series includes tons of great features and updates that will take your content management to the next level. From multi-site support, a companion CLI, to a complete Headless CMS deployment, your will be able to deliver your projects in no time. We have also refreshed the official ContentBox site: which is also running 5.

Here is our what's new guide with our full release notes:

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