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Couchbase: CacheBox Integration

Brad Wood |  August 16, 2013

In our previous posts, we covered how to get Couchbase installed and set up your first cluster.  Then we showed you how to use Couchbase for an ORM secondary cache.  Now it’s time to showcase our Couchbase CacheBox provider that we released just a few days ago.  This is a CFML provider that uses the Java SDK for Couchbase and lets you create one or more named caches in CacheBox that connects to one or more buckets in a Couchbase cluster.  Once you connect up CacheBox, you can seamlessly also store ColdBox Platform cached events/views in Couchbase along with anything else you use the CacheBox API for.  So basically you have full Couchbase storage capabilities from ColdBox and non-ColdBox applications.  Let’s get started!

ForgeBox and Code

The CacheBox Couchbase provider does not ship with the ColdBox core, but can be found in our community repository; ForgeBox.  You can use this provider in any installation of CacheBox that is bundled with the ColdBox Platform, or in a standalone installation.  Here’s some handy links for you:

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Couchbase: Secondary ORM Configuration & Setup

Brad Wood |  August 07, 2013

In our first two posts, we covered how to install Couchbase server and get a cluster up and running.  In this post we are going to put that cluster of yours to use and show you how to configure it as an ORM secondary cache provider for your ColdFusion applications.  


Please remember that the installation instructions are pretty much the same for Adobe ColdFusion and Railo CFML.

If your “cluster” is still just a single server, don’t worry.  The size and configuration of a Couchbase cluster is seamlessly invisible to the connecting client.  Meaning you can grow and scale your cluster without changing your setup/connection code.

At this point in time, there is no Couchbase-specific library for a Hibernate secondary cache, but luckily for us, Couchbase is compatible with the memcached protocol, so we can use the memcached library.  The only drawback is that if you are connecting on the standard port of 11211 to Couchbase, the library will only be able to connect to the “default” bucket.  To use a named bucket for your ORM Secondary cache, you will need to assign the Couchbase bucket you create to a unique port number with NO password when you create it in Couchbase Administrator application.

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Couchbase: Cluster Setup + ORM Secondary Cache Introduction

Brad Wood |  July 31, 2013

This is our second part of our Couchbase and CFML series that we started last week.  In our first post, “Installation and Introduction to Couchbase” we talked about Couchbase Server, how to install it, and how it can help create a fast and scalable caching layer for your applications.  Today we’re going to talk about setting up a Couchbase cluster and look at our first use for it: as a Hibernate secondary cache for ColdFusion ORM.

Horizontal Scalability


In our previous post we set up a very simple cluster of only one node.  Let’s look at how Couchbase lets you expand your cluster horizontally as your needs increase.  A cluster can have as many nodes as you want, seriously!  All nodes in a cluster will be exact copies of each other in regards to their buckets and even their configuration.  When you set up the first node, you will choose how much RAM you want for each node in that cluster to allocate itself.  You can only add a new node to the cluster if it has enough RAM to allow for the node size specified in the cluster at setup.  Therefore, the total amount of RAM in the entire cluster will be the node size times the number of nodes.

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ColdBox Platform, ColdBox LITE and Library Releases

Luis Majano |  July 10, 2013

It has been a busy past few months here at Ortus Solutions and we have some cool new stuff to share with the world today.  We have updates for all our major open source libraries this week. Some are minor releases and some are cool enhancement releases thanks to everybody's feedback and contributions.  You can find much more about the releases in our ColdBox engineering blog or in our online documentation wiki:

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*Box Party Hackathon at CFObjective 2013

Luis Majano |  May 11, 2013

We are excited to announce our first ever *BOX Party Hackathon at this year's CFObjective 2013 in conjunction with Computer Know How.  We will be holding a get together for all *BOX aficionados (WireBox, MockBox, LogBox, ColdBox, ColdBox LITE, DevBox, ContentBox, DataBoss, etc) filled with drinks, prizes and cool hacking events.  We have some awesome geek prizes from rubik's cubes, to 80's inspired electr...

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Introducing Ortus DataBoss: Dynamic ORM Administrator

Luis Majano |  March 26, 2013

We are proud to announce today the public release of our product Ortus DataBoss.  We have been working on this product for a few years now and finally it has reached its culmination and is ready available for purchase.  So let me introduce to you our new brain child: DataBoss.


What is DataBoss?

Ortus DataBoss is an application that will help you manage CFML Object Relational Mapper (ORM) objects without the need of writing administrative code for them; thus a Dynamic Administrator.  DataBoss will talk to the underlying ORM engine (Hibernate) and get all the necessary information to manage all the ORM entities and its relationships in that specific CFML application DataBoss has been deployed to.  You can watch our introductory video to get a quick overview of what DataBoss is and how it can benefit your development.



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Ortus Products Available As Railo Extensions

Luis Majano |  December 08, 2012

We are proud to announce the availability of all our major products as Railo Extensions today.  Railo is an incredible open source ColdFusion engine that supports all of our products with 1 click installs.  The extensions that we have made available starting today are:

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ContentBox Utilities 4 Adobe CF Builder

Luis Majano |  November 15, 2012

Our engineering team is proud to introduce our ContentBox Utilities extension for Adobe ColdFusion Builder IDE.  This IDE is an incredible IDE for ...

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ColdBox Platform 3.5.3 Release Galore!

Luis Majano |  November 03, 2012

We are proud to announce yet another release of our ColdBox Platform version 3.5.3.   This is not only a full platform release but a whole set of releases of all of our internal projects and frameworks.  Here are the releases and their appropriate release information fro...

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FREE Open Source CFML Government Day!

Luis Majano |  October 01, 2012

Ortus is proud to announce its prescense at the first FREE Open Source CFML government day conference in Washington, DC this October 9th, 2012 sponsored by the Open CFML Foundation.  We will be showcasing our newest product, ContentBox, and of course

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