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ColdBox 5.1.2 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 24, 2018

What's New With 5.1.2

This is a patch release for ColdBox


  • [COLDBOX-711] - HTML helper cannot add fontawesome icons in button due to XSS enabled b...
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ColdBox 5.1.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  July 02, 2018

ColdBox 5.1.1 patch update has been released today. This patch covers some major regresssions and improvements for stability. You can find the release notes below.


ColdBox 5.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano |  June 28, 2018

Ohh happy day! ColdBox 5.1.0 is now available. Using CommandBox just issue a simple update coldbox and you are done! This release is fully documented and you can find the what's new guide here: Below you will find the major areas of improvement for this release and you can visit the link for the full release notes.

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ColdBox and TestBox Microsoft Visual Studio Code Support Released

Luis Majano |  November 29, 2017

We are very excited today to announce the immediate release of our first two extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio Code Our ColdBox Extension is very similar to our Sublime extension but better! I have to admit that VSCode is absolutely great and we have been able to not only release our collection of snippets but give you typeahead and scope recognition in this extension.

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ColdBox 4.3.0 Released

Luis Majano |  October 19, 2016

We are pleased to announce the general availability of ColdBox 4.3.0, WireBox 4.3.0, CacheBox 4.3.0 and LogBox 4.3.0. This is a minor release with some great improvements and lots of bug fixes. So let's look at the major things in this release.

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ColdBox 4 Book has arrived

Luis Majano |  May 04, 2015

We are excited to finally announce the availability of the ColdBox 4 printed and kindle book. Enjoy!


Book Release Galore!

Luis Majano |  April 24, 2015

We are so excited to announce the general availability of 5 new Ortus Books in print and kindle format about our products.  We have been hard at work to produce high quality documentation and transition all our documentation to book format.  We only have two more in the works right now with a target release of May (ColdBox + ContentBox).  So without further ado, here are the 5 new books f...

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CacheBox Documentation Book Released

Luis Majano |  March 11, 2015

We are proud to announce the general availability of the new CacheBox 2.0.0 documentation in book format.  The book can be read online and downloaded for Free for all types of readers and mobile devices.  Enjoy!


ColdBox 4.0: What We Kept

Nathaniel Francis |  February 20, 2015

ColdBox 4.0 is a major release for the ColdBox line. The most major since its original release in June 2006. To boost efficency and open up options, we've removed a lot of non-necessary items from the core installation and made them available through modular architecture instead. However, there are some thing that we've kept - and for good reason. This post discusses what we kept in the core of ColdBox 4.0 and why.

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