
Become a ColdBox Master for Free

Maria Jose Herrera November 07, 2022

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Maria Jose Herrera

November 07, 2022

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The holiday season is almost here and we want to give you an early present!

For the first time ever, enjoy our "ColdBox Master Class" for FREE until Dec 31st, and start building secure and modern CFML web applications with up-to-date tools and methodologies that will help you increase your development productivity!

Whether you are a ColdBox master or a beginner, this course will give you the tools and guidance you need to learn everything about this open-source modular web application framework from start to finish. 

Let's get started, modernize your web development projects today and optimize your services by getting the best out of our ColdBox MVC framework.


Start your Training today!


What is ColdBox?

ColdBox is a conventions-based MVC Framework. It provides a set of reusable code and tools that can be used to increase your development productivity. ColdBox is comprehensive and modular, which helps address most infrastructure concerns of typical CFML applications. It is composed of several standalone libraries that in turn compose the ColdBox Platform.


Learn More   |    Download ColdBox


Join our community of developers!

You don't have to navigate the ColdBox universe alone, Join our fantastic community of developers and let them support and guide your learning process and project challenges!

You can join us at our Slack and Ortus Online community by signing on to the links below!


Slack BoxTeam  |  Ortus Online Community


Please, feel free to contact us with any additional comments or questions about our ColdBox training, and enjoy the amazing content you are about to learn in our ColdBox Master Class

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