
Weekly ColdBox Development Update!

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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I am starting a new series today in which I'll document the progress the ColdBox team is making on the development efforts of ColdBox. This series is mostly focused on the development and how we are achieving it. It will be interesting to get input from all ColdBox developers as new features are added, bugs are fixed and more.

Weekly Report:

White space Fixes This past week I completed a white space issue when rendering the layout/view combinations. This fix basically eliminated ALL white space, so I am very happy about it. Enhanced Messagebox Plugin The messagebox has been enhanced to use divs and css. You will now be able to override the messagebox's look and feel right from your own applications css. These are the needed classes: cbox_messagebox (outer shell), cbox_messagebox_content (messagebox container), and the messagebox states: cbox_messagebox_error, cbox_messagebox_info, cbox_messagebox_warning. MessageboxStyleClass deprecated for MessageboxStyleOverride The MessageboxStyleClass is now deprecated to make way for the override setting. This is a boolean value that defaults to false. BaseService A base service was created for all internal ColdBox services to encapsulate the ColdBox Service Taxonomy. Settings Revamped Rob Gonda brought in a fix for the get/set settings in the controller that affected dot notation settings. As a side-effect the fix speed up the get/set/exists methods. Way to go Rob!! Sub Apps Rob has been going strong with sub apps and they are coming into shape as the requirements are being gathered and processed. This is not an easy task and will be a MAJOR part of this release (If I ever finish it :) ) ResourceBundles Plugin Fix A fix was made to the resource bundle allocation method, due to Rob's new settings fixes. Interceptors Interceptor requirements are mostly done, a revision will occur this week and development for this feature should start this week.

As you can see, development is going strong and as progress is made, you will hear about it. If you are a daredevil then check the bits from SVN as work continues.

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