
Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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Ernst Van der Linden pointed me out to a great eclipse plugin to use when using ColdBox's Internationalization features. This plugin is the Eclipse Resource Bundles Plugin

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This is an incredible plugin that will help you work with multi-language resource bundles right from within eclipse. I Include the Attessor tool with ColdBox to facilitiate the usage of resource bundles, but this tool takes the cake.

  • It shows the property keys as a list or as a tree
  • It shows all the available locales at the same time
  • You can easily see multi-language translations at one time
  • Change languages with ease
  • New Language wizard that will blow your mind
  • If founds missed keys in any locale and displays a warning icon.
  • It saves the keys grouped, in alphabetical order and with the equal signs aligned.
  • It escapes Unicode characters that are not inside the ASCII subset. Example: Cu00F3digo postal for Código postal.
  • It founds duplicate property values.
  • Much More...

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Mar 18, 2008 00:02:54 UTC

by PaulH

if this is the same plug-in i'm thinking about: - it also trashes every other s/w RB so be very careful if you have to use RB from multiple sources (ask the farcry folks if you don't believe me) - it can write stuff out as UTF-8 (default behavior?), this can be incredibly BAD except for flex i guess ;-) btw "escaping" chars & the rest of the stuff you mention is supposed to be standard behavior for RB editors.

Mar 18, 2008 00:37:45 UTC

by Luis Majano

Thanks Paul, Good Notes for the people using it. I found it and played around with it. I still love my Attesoro tool though!!

Mar 18, 2008 14:42:24 UTC

by Ernst van der Linden

Good to know Paul., thanks!

Sep 11, 2009 07:26:22 UTC

by Jane Bronsik

Yeah, thanks Paul!

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