
ColdBox Update-Dashboard Preview

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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Well, it is almost a week since my announcement of ColdBox and here are the updates on my progress.

  • The dashboard is complete with the framework auto-update feature included
  • i18N support via resource bundles is complete, you can now internationalize your applications via the config.xml and one simple getresource method. It takes more time to create the resource bundles than to actually enable multi-language support.
  • Samples gallery application finished in both English and Spanish
  • Quick Start Guide almost finished.

What is keeping me back from opening the source is the Quick Start Guide. I want to be able to provide some decent and abundant documentation, so from now on, that is the only task I am doing. This guide will give you an overview of the framework, how to use it, why use it, why not to use it, and more.

Now to the Dashboard preview. Below you can see some thumbnails of the sections of the Dashboard and brief descriptions:

The ColdBox Dashboard is a companion application that comes bundled with the main ColdBox system folder. It is a totally optional part of the framework, you can remove it and later on moved back in if needed. The purpose of the Dashboard is to auto-update the framework via an installer I created, without modifying or doing anything but pressing a button. It is also a sample application that you can learn from. I also plan to internationalize it into Spanish for the Latin Community, I am Latin by the way. It also contains a Backups Panel done in Flash forms, where you can view and download any backed up config.xml files, auto-backup the ColdBox system folder into a zip file, auto-backup your entire application into a zip file, download the zip files, and more.

From here you can look at your framework information and actually go to the distribution site via web services and check for an update.

Update Available:
If an update is available you will get the following screen, where you can choose to download the update or do an auto-update installation.

Config Editor:
From here you can modify the parent or main application holding the ColdBox system. Once submitted, a backup of the original config file is saved.

Backups Panel:
The dashboard also has a backups directory that holds previously edited config files, you can backup your coldbox system folder, you can backup your application and download the backups in zip format.

ColdBox API:
ColdBox includes a cfcViewer plugin developed by Oscar Arevalo that will self document the cfc's. Here is where you can see the actual documentation of your running framework, real time.

Config.xml Guide:
A simple guide of how to create you config.xml file.

Framework Settings Guide:
A simple guide to the internal structure of the framework.

Change Password:
An interface to change your dashboard's password.

Well I hope you enjoy this preview. I am working hard at work, so my free time is not that much, but I will try to get a working release ready for next week. I will try to post more information as I create it.



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Jun 22, 2006 09:44:32 UTC

by Michael White

WOW... words fail me... I can't wait

Jun 22, 2006 20:03:38 UTC

by Tom Loyd

Luis, Que Chvere se ve! Man it looks good. Looking forward to see what you've got. Also, nice to see someone from FIU doing such a good job in the CF Community. I went to FIU for a couple of years when I lived in Miami, different degree however. Tom

Jun 22, 2006 20:46:08 UTC

by Luis Majano

Gracias Tom. When were you in FIU? Hopefully I can get all this together soon. The documentation is the hardest part. And the most boring. jejeje

Jun 23, 2006 10:53:15 UTC

by Terry Schmitt

Luis, Looks like you putting a lot of effort into this. It will be interesting to see what ColdBox will bring...

Jun 24, 2006 23:39:10 UTC

by Tom Loyd

Luis, I lived in Miami from 99-02. I am active duty military and worked at USSOUTHCOM and attended FIU for a year (2000-2001) working on a masters in Linguistics. Didn't finish because of the job. I am now elsewhere getting ready to go over to Germany. Just out of curiosity, have you built an example of CFPetMarket using your framework yet? One of the places that allow people to share what their "framework" has to offer is by building a CFPetMarket app with their respective framework. Anyway, keep up the good work because ColdBox is definitely looking nice! Tom

Jun 25, 2006 13:25:59 UTC

by Rey Bango

Dale chico, suerta la caja fria. Estoy loco para probarlo! ;o) We'll have to get together at Versailles for lunch one day and chat about ColdBox! ;o) Rey...

Jun 25, 2006 13:29:22 UTC

by Luis Majano

Rey, Are you using BlueDragon, I saw it in your blog. I really need to test this animal in BlueDragon and don't really have the time. Would you like to test?? Also, are you in MIami?

Jun 25, 2006 13:50:37 UTC

by Rey Bango

I'm definitely running BlueDragon. Its actuallt BD for .Net. I'm a member of the BlueDragon Alliance so I get to test out the cool stuff that NewAtlanta is building. Email me rey *at* reybango punto com and I'll be sure to put it through its paces. I'll set you up with an FTP account so you can test some stuff on your own. I actually live in Coral Springs now but I lived in Miami for over 30 years before moving up here with my wife. I was just down in SoBe last night with some friends having dinner.

Jul 10, 2006 14:22:41 UTC

by Luis Majano

The ColdBox public beta 1.0.0 is now open, you can reach it at

Jul 18, 2006 21:15:17 UTC

by Sami Hoda

A petmarket would be good for me as well. :D Simon can post as well on his PetMarket site.

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