
Gavin Pickin

January 17, 2020

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ForgeBox is the NPM of the ColdFusion world, and with CommandBox, CFML's CLI, you can easily add new functionality to your project with a simple `box install packageName`. We decided to dedicate a portion of our CFML News Podcast to ForgeBox Modules. We had 30+ episodes in 2019, each with a ForgeBox Module, so we wanted to give you a way to see all of them in one place, so here they are.

5/7/2019 - CFConfig

Type: CommandBox Module
Description: A CLI library for importing, exporting, transferring, and otherwise managing CF engine configuration.

Install: box install commandbox-cfconfig

Last Update: Feb 27 2019 01:18 PM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 24912 | Views: 6531 | Versions: 69
Submitted by Gavin


5/14/2019 - commandbox-cfformat

Type: CommandBox Module

This module registers a cfformat command in CommandBox that can be used to format CFML components.
Author: John Berquist

Install: box install commandbox-cfformat

Submitted by: Andrew


5/21/2019 - commandbox-dotenv

Type: CommandBox Module

Load a local file into Java Properties for CommandBox commands and servers

Storing secrets in source-controlled files is a bad idea, but we still need some way to provide these sensitive credentials or configuration values to our projects. This problem is exacerbated in development environments where we are running multiple servers at once. This package let's us solve this problem for servers started with CommandBox.

Author: Eric Peterson

Install: box install commandbox-dotenv
Submitted by: Gavin


5/28/2019 - hyper

Type: ColdBox Module

Hyper exists to provide a fluent builder experience for HTTP requests and responses. It also provides a powerful way to create clients, Bulider objects with pre-configured defaults like a base URL or certain headers.

Hyper was built after coding several API SDK's for various platforms — S3SDK, cbstripe, and cbgithub, to name a few. I noticed that I spent a lot of time setting up the plumbing for the requests and a wrapper around cfhttp. Each implementation was mostly the same but slightly different. It was additionally frustrating because I really only needed to tweak a few values, usually just the Authorization header. It would be nice to create an HTTP client pre-configured for each of these SDK's. It seemed the perfect fit for a module.

Author: Eric Peterson

Install: box install hyper
Submitted by: Gavin


6/4/19 - Cbgaurd

Type: ColdBox Module

Annotation driven guards for authentication and authorization in ColdBox
cbguard lets us lock down methods to logged in users and users with specific permissions using one annotation — secured. Just sticking the secured annotation on a handler or action is enough to require a user to log in before executing those events.

Author: Brad Wood

Install: box install cbguard
Submitted by: Brad


6/11/19 - requestBin

Type: ColdBox Module

requestBin gives you a URL that will collect requests made to it and let you inspect them in a coldfusion-friendly way. Use requestBin to see what your HTTP client is sending or to inspect and debug webhook requests.

Author: Andrew Davis

Install: box install requestbin
Submitted by: Andrew


6/25/19 - aws-cfml 

Description: It currently supports the following APIs:

  • cognitoIdentity
  • Dynamodb
  • Elasticsearch
  • Elastictranscoder
  • Rekognition
  • S3
  • Sns
  • Sqs
  • translate

box install aws-cfml


7/9/19 - Quick v2.2

Description: Quick is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) written in CFML for CFML. It provides an ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. With it you can map database tables to components, create relationships between components, query and manipulate data, and persist all your changes to your database.

box install quick



The ColdBox Mail services module will allow you to send email the OO way in multiple protocols

box install cbmailservices

Last Update: Jun 25 2019 06:52 PM | Downloads: 2271 | Installs: 20594 | Views: 3332 | Versions: 9


7/30/19 - ColdBox JSON Web Tokens (JWT) - by Andrew Dixon

ColdBox Module for encoding and decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This is a port of the CF-JWT-Simple project which itself is a port of the node.js project node-jwt-simple to CFML. It currently supports HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, and HmacSHA512 signing algorithms.

box install jwt

Last Update: Jul 03 2019 02:55 PM | Downloads: 41 | Installs: 1680 | Views: 3211 | Versions: 5


8/6/19 - TestBox

TestBox is a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Test Driven Development (TDD) framework for ColdFusion (CFML). It also includes mocking and stubbing capabilities via its internal MockBox library.

box install testbox

Last Update: Jun 25 2019 11:27 AM | Downloads: 4014 | Installs: 179067 | Views: 3766 | Versions: 18


8/13/19 - ColdBox

ColdBox is a conventions modular MVC development platform for ColdFusion (CFML).

Version 5.5.0+958 is the latest of 34 release(s) ( on forgebox )

box install coldbox

Last Update: Jun 14 2019 03:07 PM | Downloads: 6838 | Installs: 93151 | Views: 4830 | Versions: 34


8/20/19 - CommandBox NGROK


Commands to share the current server via ngrok

box install box-ngrok

Last Update: Jun 12 2018 05:18 PM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 233 | Views: 2525 | Versions: 9


8/27/19 - GitBook Exporter

A CommandBox module for converting a GitBook into a PDF/eBook. This is an open source community module and not endorsed or affiliated with GitBook. You are welcome to contribte to this project via pull request. The code is written in CFML, a modern JVM scripting language which totally r0x0rs.

box install gitbook-exporter

Last Update: Aug 15 2019 12:32 PM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 17 | Views: 288 | Versions: 3
By Scott Steinbeck ( and Brad Wood )


9/3/19 - COLDBOX ORM EXTENSIONS v2.2.1+133

Enhances the ColdFusion ORM with tons of utilities.
This module will enhance your experience when working with the ColdFusion ORM powered by Hibernate. It will not only enhance it with dynamic goodness but give you a fluent and human approach to working with Hibernate.

box install cborm

Last Update: Aug 30 2019 10:10 AM | Downloads: 2356 | Installs: 38953 | Views: 4131 | Versions: 16


9/10/19 - CFML DogAPI

A CFML wrapper for The Dog API.

Interact with the self-proclaimed largest open source collection of dog pictures on the internet.

Feel free to use the issue tracker to report bugs or suggest improvements!


This project borrows heavily from the API frameworks built by jcberquist, such as xero-cfml and aws-cfml. Because it draws on those projects, it is also licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

box install cfmldogapi

Last Update: Sep 10 2019 05:14 AM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 0 | Views: 18 | Versions: 1


9/17/19 - Cors

Module by Eric Peterson

Add CORS headers to your app in one module

This module detects CORS requests, validates them against the configured origins, and handles preflight requests.

box install cors

Last Update: Sep 10 2019 04:52 PM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 2871 | Views: 1289 | Versions: 12


9/24/19 - CBValidation

This module is a server side rules validation engine that can provide you with a unified approach to object, struct and form validation. You can construct validation constraint rules and then tell the engine to validate them accordingly.

box install cbvalidation

Last Update: Aug 30 2019 12:35 PM | Downloads: 2971 | Installs: 64916 | Views: 4500 | Versions: 17


10/08/19 - CBSecurity

This module will enhance your ColdBox applications by providing out of the box security in the form of:

  • A security rule engine for incoming requests
  • Annotation driven security for handlers and actions
  • JWT (Json Web Tokens) generator, decoder and authentication services
  • Pluggable with any Authentication service or can leverage cbauth by default
  • Capability to distinguish between invalid authentication and invalid authorization and determine an outcome of the process.
  • Ability to load/unload security rules from contributing modules. So you can create a nice HMVC hierarchy of security.
  • Ability for each module to define it's own validator

Welcome to SecureLand!

box install cbsecurity

Last Update: Oct 02 2019 11:51 AM | Downloads: 1098 | Installs: 33939 | Views: 4477 | Versions: 7


10/15/19 CFStocky

A CFML wrapper for the Financial Modeling Prep API. Get stock prices and company fundementals via a simple, clean API.

This module was created by Michael Born during a twitch live coding session, and taps into a flexible and powerful stock market api. This module uses another module we have highlighted before, HYPER.

Watch the twitch videos here :

box install cfstocky

Last Update: Oct 15 2019 10:55 AM | Downloads: 26 | Installs: 0 | Views: 82 | Versions: 3


10/22/19 QB by Eric Peterson

qb is a fluent query builder for CFML. It is heavily inspired by Eloquent from Laravel.

Using qb, you can:

  • Quickly scaffold simple queries
  • Make complex, out-of-order queries possible
  • Abstract away differences between database engines

You can browse the full documentation at

box install qb

Last Update: Oct 05 2019 12:17 PM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 33546 | Views: 3473 | Versions: 58


10/29/19 - CommandBox FusionReactor by Ortus Solutions

This module adds support to enable FusionReactor on the servers you start inside CommandBox.
This will automatically add the JVM args into any server you start using the server start command.

box install commandbox-fusionreactor

Last Update: Aug 22 2019 03:32 PM | Downloads: 17 | Installs: 10442 | Views: 3110 | Versions: 44


11/5/19 - Route Visualizer

The ColdBox Route visualizer will map out all your routing tables for any ColdBox 4+ application. You will visualize the routing and test the routes in the order they fire.

box install route-visualizer

Last Update: Oct 25 2018 03:05 PM | Downloads: 488 | Installs: 5803 | Views: 1425 | Versions: 7


11/12/19 Hostname Header by Gavin Pickin

This module determines the servers internal host name, and then creates a response header for you.

This module is ideal for clustered setups, or docker swarms, where the code could be running on one of many servers. In Docker, can you search for this hostname in portainer or via the CLI, making debugging much easier

box install hostnameHeader

Last Update: Mar 28 2018 11:11 AM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 4,202 | Views: 411 | Versions: 7


11/19/19 swearjar  by Matt Gifford

Profanity detection and filtering library for CFML applications

Boolean checks, censoring, scorecards, and setup to allow for internationalization 

box install swearjar


11/26/19 CBCommons v1.1.0

A collection of some nice models to help with your CFML development

box install cbcommons

Last Update: Jun 21 2018 09:58 PM | Installs: 11,396 | Views: 2,834 | Versions: 1


12/3/19 OpenCage Geocoder API v1.0.0 by Gary Stanton

OpenCageCFC provides a wrapper for the OpenCage Geocoder API

The opencage API is a commercial product with a generous free tier.

Obtain an API key from

Use as standalone cfc or from ColdBox.


box install opencage



This module determines the version of your app from a .version file and then creates a response header for you. The module sets a header called x-server-version.

This module is ideal for clustered setups, or docker swarms, where the code could be running on one of many servers. This will allow you to know which version of the code your app is running.

box install versionHeader

Last Update: Mar 28 2018 05:31 PM | Downloads: 0 | Installs: 1,987 | Views: 409 | Versions: 3


12/17/19 - Singleton Leak Detector - v1.1.2 - (MODULES)

A debugging module to help detect var scoping issues in your singletons. Instead of using static code analysis, this module latches onto WireBox to track each of the singleton CFCs that get created. The contents of each CFC's variables scope will have a snapshot stored upon its creation so it can be compared later in the life of your application to see if vars have leaked out of your methods and into the shared variables scope.

box install singleton-leak-detector

Last Update: Mar 08 2018 09:56 AM | Installs: 1,277 | Views: 847 | Versions: 9


12/23/19 - PicPurify v1.0.0 (MODULES) by Matt Gifford

A CFML wrapper to interact with the PicPurify content moderation API

Build automated content moderation when uploading image and video files. Allows you tocheck for pornographic content and content that included nudity, hateful images, gore and general nastiness. Save having to write complex AI detection features from scratchwith PicPurify.

box install picpurify

Last Update: Dec 23 2019 02:57 AM | Installs: 0 | Views: 11 | Versions: 1


12/31/19 - WireBox Visualizer

This module creates a nifty visual representation of all the CFCs in your application that WireBox manages as well as what they have injected into them.


install wirebox-visualizer --saveDev

Next, reinitialize your application to pick up the new module.

Usage - In order to view the visualizer, hit your app at this route:


Last Update: Mar 19 2019 06:45 PM | Installs: 1107 | Views: 693 | Versions: 9


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